
Nooma “Noise.”

Rob Bell.

Why is silence so hard to deal with? Why is so much easier for us to live with a lot of things going all the time than to just be in silence? We’re constantly surrounded with “voices” that are influencing us on how to think, feel, and behave. Movies, music, TV, Internet, cell phones, and a never-ending barrage of advertising. There’s always something going on. Always noise in our lives. But maybe there’s a connection between the amount of noise in our lives and our inability to hear God. If God sometimes feels distant to us, maybe it’s not because he’s not talking to us, but simply because we aren’t really listening.

Doris Klein’s Meditations and Paintings on 8 Gospel passages


Bible readings that correspond to the paintings:

  1. Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42.
  2. Magdalene at the Resurrection John 20:11-18
  3. Woman at the Well John 4:7-19
  4. Woman wit haemorrhage Luke8: 42 b- 48.
  5. The Woman in Simon’s House, Luke 7:36-39, 50.
  6. Let the Children come Matt 19:13-15
  7. Little Girl Get Up Luke 8:41, 42, 49-56
  8. Woman bent double: Luke 13:10-13






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